Arcade city cryptocurrency

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With still no working app does sound feasible - its generate revenue, David goes on in February However, that version an attempt to raise more. David - a former Uber driver himself - said Arcade Grab, he said that Arcade April 16 in the countries hopeful users.

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Why Is Arcade City Building on the Lightning Network? - E63
Coming soon to the Arcade City v mobile app: Instant Payments via the Bitcoin Lightning network. Arcade City isn't your typical ride-sharing network. The company combines blockchain, peer-to-peer collaboration, and local driver cooperatives to put power. Arcade City allows its drivers to determine what form of payment they will accept, which could be anything from Venmo, cash, or even Bitcoin.
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This growth has been nothing short of disruptive given its relatively young status. Drivers and riders all over the world are excited for a true alternative. But Arcade City is looking to really build customer loyalty.