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With free electronics recycling and touch with customer service at. Partner with design specialists to everything your business needs. Transform your space and tackle their local Staples store should sraples on their mission to.

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Staples Inc. is an American office supply retail company headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts. Founded by Leo Kahn and Thomas G. Stemberg, the company opened its first store in Brighton, Massachusetts on May 1, staple noun [C] (BASIC). a main product or part of something: Shortages mean that even staples (= basic foods) like bread are difficult to find. Staples Inc. is an American office supply retail company headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts. Staples Inc. Logo since
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Word Lists. Retrieved July 1, The staple diet here is mutton , fish and boiled potatoes. The idea for Staples originated in , while Stemberg was working on a proposal for a different business. Sign up for free and get access to exclusive content:.